100, - € voucher for our shop in Erfurt
With this voucher, you or the recipients of your gift can shop in our store in Erfurt with a stated value of 100,- €.
Please note: This voucher is only valid in our shop in Erfurt and cannot be redeemed in the online shop!
You can choose whether you want to have the voucher sent as a simple PDF by email or as a voucher card by post. The voucher cards can also be picked up in the shop.
- Dispatch by email: after receipt of payment, we will send the voucher as a simple PDF. Bring this PDF digitally on your mobile phone or in printed form to shop in the store. Of course, there are no shipping costs here.
- Shipping by post: You will receive a voucher card, which is also suitable for giving away, by post. For shipping we charge an additional 3, - € shipping costs.
- Pick-up in the store: The gift cards for giving away can also be picked up in the store, which saves you shipping costs.
If you decide to send it by email, we will send this email after we have received your payment. If you choose an instant payment method, shipping can take up to 24 hours.